Death is ineluctable for everyone. The Angel of Death arrives for each person at the designated time, and the Qur'an mentions that each person's death will be on the day it's appointed. In Islam, there are clear guidelines regarding the afterlife. Those who perform good deeds will enter Paradise, while those who commit evil deeds will find themselves in Hell, as outlined in the Qur'an and Hadith. Among colorful types of death, there are certain characteristics that indicate a person’s certainty of entering Paradise. The Prophet( PBUH) has spoken of several deaths in his Hadith that signify a heavenly departure. Below are 12 signs of a fatality’s death, which hold special significance for Muslims.
1. Reciting the Kalima before death
The Prophet( PBUH) said," Whoever dies while saying' La ilaha illallah' will enter Paradise." This type of death is a sign of good fortune for Muslims.( Sunan Abu Dawood)
2. inordinate sweating at the time of death
At the time of death, religionists frequently witness sweat on their facades , which is a sign of a fatality’s death. The Prophet( PBUH) stated," The religionists die with sweat on their facades ."( Musnad Ahmad)
3. Dying on Friday( Jumu’ah)
Those who die on the day or night of Friday are spared from the severe discipline of the grave. The Prophet( PBUH) said," Whoever dies on the night or day of Friday, Allah will forgive their grave discipline."( Musnad Ahmad)
4. Dying while fighting in Allah's path
Anyone who dies fighting for Allah’s cause( in the path of Islam) is given the status of a fatality and enters Paradise.( Sahih Muslim)
5. Dying from the pest
still, they're considered a fatality, and it's regarded as a death of honor for religionists, If someone dies from the pest. The Prophet( PBUH) said," The pest is martyrdom for every religionist who dies from it."( Bukhari, Muslim)
6. Dying from a stomach illness
Indeed if one dies from a stomach disease, they're considered a fatality.( Sahih Muslim)
7. Dying by drowning or being crushed
still, they're regarded as a fatality, If someone dies by drowning or being crushed under debris.( Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
8. A woman dying during gestation
A woman who dies while pregnant, carrying her child, is considered a fatality.( Abu Dawood)
9. Dying from being burned or suffering from tuberculosis
Those who die from burning or tuberculosis are granted the honor of being considered killers.( Targheeb wa Tarkeeb)
10. Dying while defending one's faith, life, or property
still, life, or property, If a person dies defending their religion.( Tirmidhi, Bukhari, Muslim)
11. Dying while guarding in Allah’s path
A person who dies while performing the duty of guarding( in the path of Islam) is counted as a fatality.( Tirmidhi, Bukhari, Muslim)
12. Dying while engaged in righteous deeds
Still, their death is considered a heavenly departure and a mark of a person fated for Paradise, If someone dies while performing righteous conduct or good deeds.
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