How to Take Care of My Hair? Find Out Some Hair Care Tips

21 Hair Care Tips for Hair Care: Which Will Help You Make Your Hair Beautiful and Long

Hair is the adornment of a woman. No beautiful woman can be imagined without beautiful hair. So to look beautiful, we all want to make our hair beautiful and take care of our hair. But for many unknown reasons, we do not take care of our hair anymore. So in today's article, we will know some specific tips through which we can easily take care of our hair. So let's know in turn what steps we can take in hair care:

1. Keep your hair protected at all times You should always try to keep your hair protected from the harsh sunlight, harsh sun, and heavy rain. The harsh sun, heat, and dust all cause hair distress. Gradually, they start to accumulate at the roots of the hair. As a result, hair loss and hair breakage start. So to take care of your hair and to get rid of all these troubles, it is an absolute duty to wear an umbrella or cap while walking in the open sky in the sun or rain. If you don't have these items with you during various household chores, covering your head with a cloth, towel, or scarf can help prevent hair loss, breakage, or protect your hair to a large extent. 2. Treat wet hair carefully, move it gently Hair is most fragile when wet. The chances of hair breaking from the roots are highest when it is wet, so it is absolutely inappropriate to apply too much pressure to the hair while shampooing or washing your head. Also, combing your hair with a comb immediately after bathing can cause your hair to come up gently from the roots, so you should refrain from using a comb after bathing or on wet hair. 3. Shampoo your hair properly When you go out for various activities, a lot of dust and dirt accumulates in your hair. Therefore, to clean dirty hair, use good quality shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type. Many people buy cheap packaged shampoos and use them on their hair. As a result, those shampoos are fake shampoos made in unhealthy environments, and instead of strengthening the hair roots, the hair falls out within a few days. So be careful when using fake shampoos. Massage your hair gently while shampooing. If there is a lot of dirt in your hair, shampoo twice. If there is dirt at the roots of your hair, it damages the skin and the hair falls out easily. So, clean your hair with a good shampoo 3/4 days a week. 4. Use conditioner regularly Use conditioner on your hair every day after bathing or washing your hair. This makes your hair smooth and shiny, and the chances of breakage are greatly reduced. So never forget to condition it. 5. Use conditioner correctly To strengthen your hair, you need to use conditioner correctly. The job of conditioner is to keep the hair smooth, so when using conditioner, you should start using it at least one inch above the roots of the hair. Many people apply conditioner to the ends of the hair—this is the wrong method. In addition, to get effective benefits, you should refrain from using excessive amounts of conditioner. 6. Use hair products of the same type or company When taking care of your hair, you should use products made with the right ingredients from the same company. Today, this company's shampoo is the same, tomorrow, the conditioner made by that company will lose its ability to nourish the hair skin and play an effective role in hair care, and it will have the opposite effect. Due to which, you will do more harm than good. So, get rid of the tendency to use different products made by different companies. This will allow you to take care of your hair easily without any side effects. 7. Avoid giving excess heat to your hair Any type of heat is responsible for hair breakage or split ends. So it would be wise to refrain from applying heat to your hair. Excessive heat can burn your hair, so if you have to use a blower, iron, or hair straightener, do it very carefully. 8. Use a towel gently to remove water stuck to your hair Many people dry their hair with too much pressure after taking a bath. Many people also use something to remove water from their hair. Due to this, the hair loses its elasticity due to repeated friction with another hair and there is a risk of breaking it from the root. So, wipe your hair as gently as possible while drying it. 9. Avoid tight braids Many people braid their hair tightly before going to bed. It is better not to do this. This will keep the hair together, but the hair roots can be pulled out from the root, so be careful when doing this. If necessary, do not tie it tightly, tie it lightly. 10. Use a good fabric pillow cover Many of us do not think about small things. But small things always cause us big damage. Although the pillow cover is a small thing, there is no alternative to being careful about it in hair care. If the pillow cover you sleep on at night is made of rough fabric, then that pillow cover can trap your hair in the bedroom. And your hair can get pulled and torn without your knowledge, so if you want to take care of your hair, use a good and healthy pillow cover. 11. Oil your hair regularly Regularly using oil on your hair strengthens the roots of the hair. However, it should not be excessive and ruin your look. Moreover, if you use excess oil, you will have to use extra shampoo to remove it, which is not good for the hair and your pocket.

12. Do a hot oil massage Hot oil massage is very effective in nourishing the hair and keeping it fresh. Do this at least once a week and your hair will be beautiful. Gently massage the scalp and hair roots regularly. If possible, you can also use coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil together. 13. Use natural hair packs There is no alternative to using natural ingredients for shiny hair. You can use natural ingredients such as yogurt, amla powder, or aloe vera. This helps in maintaining the health of the hair for a long time. 14. Brushing hair for hair care Regularly brushing or combing the hair increases blood circulation in the hair. Therefore, brushing 2-3 times a day is a must for shiny hair. 15. Use cold water to clean the hair Using hot water on the hair reduces the moisture content of the hair by many times and increases the risk of hair damage. Therefore, always use cold water to clean the hair and wash the head. 16. Avoid using excessive hair products Use less hair spray, gel or hair styling products on your hair. Avoid using them if possible. 17. Trim your hair regularly Regular hair trimming is very important for hair care. Hair trimming is cutting a small portion of the hair shaft. It prevents hair breakage. 18. Eat protein-rich foods Healthy hair will only happen when your body is healthy. So for healthy hair, eat protein, vitamins, iron and other nutritious foods regularly. This will not only improve hair growth but also keep your body healthy. 19. Avoid using blow dryers on your hair Many people take the help of artificial devices to dry their hair. Avoid this. For example, using a blow dryer can damage hair cells. Hair cells can be damaged and blood circulation can be stopped. So, use it very carefully if you use it. 20. Protect your hair from dust in summer There is more dust on the road in summer, so keep your hair protected from dust when you go out. And for this, you can use an umbrella or cap. 21. Take a hair spa for your hair To reduce hair damage, it is good to take a hair spa once or twice a month. Hair spa is a hair treatment through which lifeless dry hair gets the power to regain its shine with new energy. It keeps the hair hydrated. And by doing a hair spa, the hair gets the necessary nutrients and helps maintain the moisture of the hair. It also helps in providing nutrients to the hair and increasing the beauty of the hair. 22. Use a balm or mask for hair There are many types of hair masks or balms available in the market for shiny, smooth and healthy hair, use them. This will help reduce the tangling of your hair and keep your hair soft.

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