When winter comes, hands and feet are too cold, but for many it can also be a matter of fear. Cold hands and feet in the winter season become a cause of annoyance in our normal life. But why does this actually happen?
How can we get rid of the problem of cold hands and feet?
It is possible to deal with any problem only when we know what the root cause of the problem is. So today in europe today' health tips, we will know, what are the reasons for cold hands and feet in winter? And what physical diseases can cause our hands and feet to become too cold.
Why do hands and feet get cold?
1. Problems with blood circulation
The main reason why your hands and feet get cold can be problems with blood circulation. When the blood supply to the veins is low, the external organs, especially the hands and feet, may feel colder. This type of problem is mainly related to the functioning of the heart. Especially if you have a heart disease or any problem with your blood vessels, this problem of excessively cold hands and feet may occur.
2. Effects of heart problems
If the blood circulation in your heart is not proper, your hands and feet may become excessively cold in winter. Moreover, if the blood flow in the body decreases due to weakness of your heart or kidney problems, your hands and feet may become cold. In such a situation, take specific medical tests and consult a good doctor.
3. Thyroid gland problems
If the normal condition of the thyroid gland is disrupted, that is, if the balance of thyroid hormones is not maintained, it causes problems with blood circulation, as a result of which your hands and feet may become excessively cold.
4. Iron deficiency
If there is a lack of iron, blood circulation in the body becomes weak, which is one of the reasons for cold hands and feet. If such a problem occurs, take iron-rich foods after consulting a specialist doctor.
5. Stress and Anxiety
If you have been under stress for a long time or are suffering from any anxiety, then that stress can disrupt the blood supply to various organs and cells of your body and make your hands and feet excessively cold. Because if the blood circulation in the body is not proper, the problem of cold hands and feet gradually becomes apparent.
How to avoid cold hands and feet
1. Exercise to normalize blood circulation
To normalize or improve the blood circulation in your body, do yoga exercises or all exercises that keep all the body parts moving every day at a specific time. This will protect your hands and feet from getting cold. And keep you healthy for a long time.
2. Eat adequate nutritious food
The lack of nutrition in your body is largely responsible for cold hands and feet. Keep foods rich in iron, protein, vitamin-C such as spinach, bananas, eggs, milk in your food menu. Eating these foods regularly will protect your body from iron and protein deficiency as well as cold hands and feet.
3. Get a thyroid test
You can get a thyroid test done to find out if you have a thyroid problem. If you find out about such a problem in a tested way, then do not delay in taking hormonal treatment as per the doctor's advice. Because the root of all happiness is health. Always give it priority.
4. Get a blood pressure and heart test
Regularly check whether your blood circulation is normal and your heart is functioning properly. Due to heart weakness, blood circulation is abnormal, resulting in excessively cold hands and feet. Therefore, if any disease is detected after the test, take action as per the doctor's advice.
5. Avoid stress
Mental stress is present in all people to some extent. However, some regular exercises can be done to reduce this stress. You can easily stay free from stress by keeping yourself busy with yoga, meditation, and any kind of natural healthy activities.
Doctor's advice
Cold hands and feet are not an uncommon problem, but if this coldness is prolonged or associated with other physical problems, it should be taken seriously. In this case, you must consult a medical expert. It is only possible to get rid of this problem by taking the necessary treatment, taking nutrition and following the rules prescribed by the doctor for living.
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