How to keep your hands and bases warm in downtime

How to keep your hands and bases warm in downtime

In the world, downtime means warm comfort and a bit of shiftlessness. still, this season of comfort is ruined when our hands and bases come cold. Indeed after staying under the mask for a long time on some days of the season, our hands and bases do n't want to get warm, but rather come cold like ice. What can be done to get relieve of such an uncomfortable situation? How can we keep our hands and bases warm? This report by europe today news moment with the opinions of experts. Let's know 

 Why do hands and bases come cold? 

 In the world, utmost people suffer from cold hands and bases during downtime due to blood rotation problems. still, there may be some other reasons behind this 

1.. Anemia 

 generally, anemia manifests itself when there's a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. People affected by this complaint suffer from cold hands and bases all time round, and it becomes more pronounced in downtime. 

 2. Vitamin B insufficiency 

 still, it feels colder than usual, If the body is deficient in vitamin B- 12. 

 3. Smoking 

 Smoking blocks blood rotation in the body and its effect is on the skin of the hands and bases, which is one of the reasons why your hands and bases come cold.


 3. Cold rainfall and slow blood rotation 

 The adverse goods of downtime temperatures directly block the blood rotation process. Due to which the hands and bases come cold. 

 How to keep your hands and bases warm? 

 1. Exercise regularly 

 Make a habit of exercising every morning and autumn. This will keep the blood rotation in your body normal and will help keep your hands and bases warm. 

 2. Wash your hands and bases with lukewarm water 

 In this downtime season, wash your hands and bases with lukewarm water rather of cold water during ablution or at other times. This will keep the blood rotation in the skin and muscles of your hands and bases normal and will help maintain warmth. 

 3. Try to eat hot food 

 Drink hot tea, haze or drinks or hot food this downtime. These will keep your body temperature veritably warm. 

 4. Use gloves or socks 

 Use gloves or socks to cover your hands and bases. This will reduce the feeling of cold in your hands and bases to a great extent. 

 5. Quit smoking 

 Smoking reduces blood rotation in the body. As a result, the body becomes cold. So, surely avoid this habit. 

 Change your diet 

 Try to eat further foods rich in vitamin B- 12 during downtime to keep your body warm. Foods like milk, eggs, spinach, fish and meat will help you exclude the problem of cold hands and bases by adding the necessary rudiments in the blood. 

 Expert opinion 

 Expert croakers

 believe that the problem of cold hands and bases should n't be underestimated.However, also it is n't necessary to delay taking the necessary treatment after consulting a croaker

 , If this problem is habitual. 

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